God and Mammon

On September 19, I delivered a reflection at a Red Mass at St. Thomas More University Parish in Norman, Oklahoma. The annual Red Mass offers an opportunity for lawyers, judges and others engaged in public service to reflect on their responsibilities as members of the legal profession.

The Gospel for the Mass was Jesus’ parable of the steward who misused his master’s property (Luke 16:1-13), which ends with Jesus’ admonition that “no servant can serve two masters….You cannot serve both God and mammon. One couldn’t ask for a better Gospel for a Red Mass reflection! My talk suggested that Jesus was not asking his disciples to forsake the world and all their goods, but rather to have a proper relationship to the things of this world. Serving God and not mammon means not letting our attachment and desire for things of this world to get out of balance. I spent most of the talk considering those things that run the risk of becoming “mammon” for legal and other professionals.

Although I neglected to bring my digital recorder with me to Oklahoma, this weekend I recorded a version of the talk I gave. You can stream the podcast (which runs for 16:16) from the icon below or can download it from here. (Remember that you can also subscribe to Creo en Dios! podcasts on iTunes.)