John 3:16

Today’s Gospel reading form the Gospel of St. John begins with the line that almost all Christians (and quite a few non-Christians) recognize merely from the citation to chapter and verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” It is no surprise the line so moves us; as one commentary I read on this passage puts it,

If the entire meaning of human existence could be summed up in a single phrase, it would be this brief statement. God’s love is the one constant in a world of shifting philosophies, politics and fashions. It is the anchor that keeps humanity from drifting hopelessly off course. It is the magnetic center that keeps the world from spinning completely out of control. From the first spark of light to the universe’s last breath, God’s love remains unchanging, undiminished.

As the rest of the passage we hear today reminds us, it is for us to decide what to do in the face of God’s constant, overwhelming love. God offers love, but never forces us to accept it. It is our choice whether to open ourselves to that love and to live in the light of that love or to remain in darkness.