Discerning My Place in the World

Yesterday was the the final session of the program I offered at UST Law School during this academic year on Discerning my Place in the World. In our prior sessions we’ve addressed a number aspects of discerning vocation, including getting in touch with our giftedness, identifying what brings us joy, prioritizing our values,  reflecting on our deepest desires, growing in our appreciation that we are each individually called by God, and gauging the internal freedom with which we approach discernment.

In our final session yesterday, our topic was What Happens When Things Don’t Go the Way I Thought They Would.  That is, despite our best efforts to discern among options presented to us, it is sometimes the case that things don’t turn out as we expect.  Sometimes our discernment is faulty, but even where it is not, any number of external factors can arise that thrwart what we thought was God’s intention for us.  My talk addressed some of the feelings that may arise in such a situation – such as disappointment, loss of confidence, envy of others – and how to deal with them.  At various points, I invited participants to share from their own experience, leading to a rich discussion.

You can access a recording of my talk here or stream it from the icon below. (The podcast runs for 31:03.)

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